Mormons for Equality - Příspěvky | Facebook

Thomas S. Monson's term as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will probably be remembered by most LGBT Mormons with heartache. His sig... nature was on the letter that encouraged Mormons to give their all for the fight for P

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Andrew Rannells

Andrew Rannells se narodil 23.8.1978 v Nebrasce. Ječtvrtý z pěti sourozenců,má staršího bratra a tři sestry. Jeho rodina má irské a polské příbuzenstvo. Tři roky (2001-2004) spolupracoval s 4Kids Entertainment (animační výrobní společnost),kde…

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Gay Marriage Protest March on Mormon Church #5

Footage from the Nov. 8 march on the Mormon Church in Westwood to hold them accountable for using the church as a political platform to get Prop 8 passed.

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Osobní zájmy. They are Oliver Baker, a friend of the Duke and Duchess who was at St Andrews University with them, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, who was at Marlborough College with the Duchess, Earl Grosvenor, the son of the Duke of Westminster, and The H

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In all, it's an uncharacteristically conservative piece for the magazine, which previously has had cover stories celebrating Obama as "the first gay president" for his stand on gay marriage, and has offered lengthy defenses for another four years.